Exhibition Paris 4-10 MAR 2024

by Clémentine de Forton  & Katia Deddé

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The exhibition offers a juxtaposition of the universes of Béatrice Wolff and Myriam de Lafforest. Two artists guided by the path of emotions, in search of an ‘Elsewhere’.

An ‘Elsewhere’ that is plural. An ‘Elsewhere’ like an exalting refuge that nourishes the spirit while liberating it.

For Béatrice Wolff, the ‘Elsewhere’ of travel, that of the richness of distant horizons, of the impregnation of the senses: Colors, fragrances, shapes leave their imprints, powerful and intangible sources of inspiration. A resurgence of sensations.

For Myriam de Lafforest, the ‘Elsewhere’ of the mind, which transcends the corners of thought and allows the invisible to emerge. An abandonment that allows the sensitive to take flight. The intimate is revealed with sincerity.

In both artists, there is this desire to access the ‘Elsewhere’ through the power of expression. Delicacy and strength merge to create an intense poetic language. The work of the material is essential, the very quintessence of the origin of creation. Myriam uses earth and bronze to shape the strength of the soul, while Béatrice explores the texture of papers and the depth of colors to give life to memories.

A plural ‘Elsewhere’ that envelops us, elevates us in an ideal of absolute.

Date of the Exhibition:
5 MAR – 10 MAR / 11AM – 8PM everyday

4 rue des Guillemites, 75004 Paris


  • 7 MAR, Thursday / from 7.00PM: opening party with the artists Beatrice and Myriam.
  • 9 MAR, Saturday / all day: Meet Myriam de Lafforest and Beatrice Wolff at the exhibition.
  • 10 MAR, Sunday / 9.00AM – 11AM: enjoy 1 hour Hatha YOGA with Clémentine surrounded by artworks, followed by a drink and a discussion about the ‘power of imagination’. Paid event 20 euros & pre-booking. Exclusive events limited to 6 participants.
  • 10 MAR, Sunday 14H: ending afternoon
  • Do not hesitate to  Contact us for private tours.

Clémentine de Forton (, Katia Dedde (


  • Clémentine de Forton is the co-curator of the exhibition with Katia Deddé. In 2009 she founded Clementine de Forton Gallery ,  a nomadic gallery creating artistic experiences design to elevate the spirit while creating bridges between several disciplines. Previously established in Asian territories, she crosses oceans to present this temporary art exhibition from MARS 4th to 10th, 2023, under the captivating and all-encompassing theme of the AILLEURS / ELSEWHERE. She says that “Art is a powerful educational vehicle for humanity to elevate towards higher realms. Art is not just beautiful! It is purposeful, it feeds humanity with fragrance, color, poetry; it sparks conversation, introspection, reaction, and dreams. It illuminates! Through this collaborative exploration  I hope that people can discover, be sensitized to, and inspired “
  • Katia Deddé graduated in Art History and Museum Studies from the Ecole du Louvre. She has been working in the art field for 20 years, specializing particularly in contemporary art. As a writer and coordinator for renowned art magazines such as Beaux Arts Magazine and Museart, as well as being involved in significant cultural projects with the Wilmotte et Associés agency, she has closely followed contemporary artists and their work for years, witnessing their evolution. Over time, she have built strong and expert networks, enriching relationships that are invaluable today.