Interview with
Piers Bourke

1.What were your most beautiful exhibitions (list 1 to 3)?

Flying Home, Mayfair, London 2019
LAPADA, Berkeley Square, London 2014
Art Central Hong Kong 2015

2. What are you passionate about?

Colour. It’s the basis of all my art.

3. If you were at the airport facing the departure board, where would you like to go?

Japan, I just love it there.

4. Where can we have a chance to meet you?
At the moment, in London. But when things change, I am happy to travel anywhere.
5. What was the price of the first artwork you sold?
I painted a big landscape on canvas and I put it on an easel during one of my parents’ dinner parties… next thing I knew I had a sale!
6. What are the flaws you prefer in others? And in yourself?
I am very impatient which is a real curse but has led to some interesting developments in my work when things turn out very differently to how you intended!
7. An ideal food menu?


8. A fictional hero you like? And in real life, a mentor maybe?
Fictional hero, Tony Stark from the Avengers Movie! Real life, Andy Warhol.
9. Your favorite clothes?
Live in my jeans from rag & bone.
10. A cause you feel strongly about?
Single-use plastics.
11. An advice or a sentence that struck you?
“The harder I practice, the luckier I get.“ This always stuck with me.
12. A habit or an obsession?

My phone, it’s a bad habit!

13. A movie, a book or music you love?
Movie: Amadeus Book: William Boyd’s Stars and Bars
14. A regret? A dream?
No regrets, but my dream is to build a studio where I can work on all my paintings at once. I am halfway to achieving this but I need more space!!
15. A few words about the new series you have been working on?
I am working on a new Butterfly series, We all need to escape, which was a direct result of the lockdown in March. I had been thinking about the images for a while but the lockdown changed my mood to a point that I realised I needed to create a collection of butterflies.
16. What makes you laugh?

My 3 boys who constantly make me smile and laugh.