Welcome to Clémentine’s gallery,
where her vision is to help you create your personal universe of art,
one that is both intimate and convivial.
Artist agent and exhibition curator, her gallery reflets a universe where all of us are
both actors and spectators,
connoisseurs of not just art, but life.

Eschewing the traditional, rather intimidating approach taken by museums and white walls galleries, Clémentine offers a creative way to revitalize your brand ans your physical living spaces with unique works of art that complement your home decor as well as your lifestyle, your values and your art collection.
Art that is both contemporary, yet timeless, art that invites contemplation, yet can spark intellectual discussions as well as serve as conversation pieces.
Clémentine’s artistic journey started in 2009 with the setting up of Artemiss Contemporary, after moving to Asia. Now, more than 10 years later, Clémentine has decided to re-brand her original gallery to better reflect her experience and expertise gained in the past decade.
Her home in Singapore is a reflection of her passion, being filled with artworks that reflect her eclectic interests and her sophisticated taste.
Whether is be painting, sculptures, or photography, she believes in the sacred combination of intellectual stimulation and emotional resonance.

The creation of the gallery is the story of encounters with the artists represented by Clémentine through the different times of her life.
Artists she completely fell for and felt inspired to share their work and messages with a wider audience.
The artist selected are will-established, mainly from Europe, with a primary focus on photography collections.
All chosen artists share a common purpose – to push the bounderies of photographic and artistic expression.
Aldrien Boyer‘s chimeric city walls,
Christophe Jacrot‘s romantic photos of cities in bad weather,
Philippe Calandre‘s utopic architectural spaces,
Cecile Plaisance‘s provocative and humoristic Barbie Dolls,
Benjamin Deroche‘s mystic landscapes,
Nicolas Lefeuvre balancing research…
all seek to enrapture us with their poetic pursuits and unique viewpoints.

artists are at the forefront of a new sensible approach to reality.
While we aspire to interact with the world in a harmonious and moderate way,
art that leaves room for silence and self-reflection, provokes our imagination about myriad possible furures,
and stimulates our innat creativity, will always resonate.

Clémentine believes it is often one small detail that gives a piece its overall meaning,
Striking works of art leave an imprint, keep coming to mind, please and prompt conversations.
As a curator, she likes to walk side by side with artist and collectors to find this point of convergence,
where joy and enhancement merge.

and art market trends, to create dialogues between artists that will enhance your imagination, initiate
and guide you on photographic and other techniques.
There will be monthly interviews with artists, diversified and lots of surprises!
Clémentine de Forton

we donate a share of our turnover to engage with them in the causes they support,
to help all beings live in a better world.